My background

My interest in coding started when I was working as a Talent Acquisition Manager in Stockholm. I worked mostly with newly graduated computer science and engineering majors that were looking for the first job out of college. It was impossible to work with so many talented developers without becoming interested in the work they were doing. I started with the very basics, by learning HTML and CSS through Codecadamey, as well as dipping my toes into the water of C# through a Udemy course. For the most part, I thougt it was too late for me to change my career. However, when I found Northeasterns ALIGN program in Boston, MA, I applied and started my technical journey in late 2018.

Although the ALIGN program taught me the basic of many advanced topics such a Machine Learning and Foundations of AI, Web development is what stood out the most to me. Working with Web in the early 2020's is more about being able to be a generalist and pick up new concepts quickly than focus on one single area and become a specialist. That always suited me better. Plus there's a new JS framework every week... That keeps things interesting 🙃

In my current line of work as a Premier Support Engineer at Intercom, I don't get to code as much as I would as a product engineer, but I get to use my skills to troubleshoot, educate others and get close to an impressively complex and amazing product. It fits the same generalist patterns as Web Development itself, but I don't have to learn Rails. As good as it gets, in my opinion.